- ( Ok, so did i get that song stuck in anyone else's head ? )Do you remember your first celebrity crush? The one where you were ( most probably ) in primary school and you thought it was actually plausible that you would meet said hot celebrity and they would fall madly in love with you? Even though, in reality, you were probably at least a good decade younger than them? I do, and all those memories of the first sweet blush of celebrity-lovin' came rushing back to me this weekend after a conversation with our soon to be ex neighbours.
Imagine, if you will, me chilling out the front with two pre-teen girls, one 9 years old and the other 11. The conversation may have involved the words 'cute' , ' totally hot ' and ' oh my god, i just love them all! '.... the them in question being One Direction. Apparently, when you are 9 years old, One Direction are just the bees knees and it is quite acceptable to write your name as Mrs A. Tomlinson/Styles/Malik all over your school books. ( Or not, because her mum told her off for it ). I had read all about the One Direction phemonenon in trashy mags and seen it on morning television, of course, it was just fun to see one of my little acquaintances so in love with the idea of ( unrequited ) love. I thought i was all cool and hip asking whether they had posters of Justin Beiber aswell, only to be informed that he's ugly. And a player. Way to show your age Amy....Which brings me back to my original question - do you remember your first celebrity crush? Because I remember mine.... at the tender age of 6 years old, i wrote my celebrity crush a fan letter. I dont remember exactly what i wrote but it probably went something along the lines of " You are so cute and i love you and i watch you on the television all the time and one day, when i grow up, i'm going to marry you! '. And, in all probability, i had to get my mum to help me write it because thats quite a lot to say when you're only 6 ( how. embarrassing. ). Its also quite young to have your tiny little heart broken when said celebrity crush does NOT write back with a proposal of marriage.
So... Johnny Depp, if you're reading this, its not too late - I am off the market for marriage, but a declaration of your undying love, however late it may be, would go a long way to healing my broken 6 year old heart....
And guess what? Its IBOT over at EssentiallyJess!
9 months ago