Saturday, October 27, 2012

Second Time Around

I dont want to sound boastful or anything but I'm finding this mothering gig a whole lot easier this second time around. Sure it still has its trials and a whole different set of issues that go along with having a toddler and a baby at home together.... but for the most part I'm much less stressed, more ' go with the flow ' than I was with Flynn.
Mummy's cheeky girl!

I was never one of those expectant mums who read manual on the shelves - in fact, I didn't read any at all. I trusted that my maternal instinct and advice from family, friends and health professionals would get me through. Long time readers of this blog would know I had major sleep issues with Flynn, but other than ( pretty damn big and important ) part he was a pretty cruisy baby. He was a big eater though, feeding pretty much every two hours all day til solids were introduced, so one thing we never really had was a routine or any type of predictable schedule.

That's where things are different this go round I think - Miss Tully and I have settled into a great little routine and I think that's what making me so much more relaxed. And what's even better is it hasn't been forced... Tully has just kind of developed her own little thing and I've just gone with it. And it works for us. Cluster feed fr a couple of hours in the morning, little nap; lunchtime feed, big nap; cluster feed in the evening and then 8 or 9 hours sleep through the night, big feed and then back to sleep until breakfast!

 Sure, sometimes she has a funny day and everything goes out of whack, but most days Tully is predictable enough that I fid I have time with Flynn, time for ( almost ) keeping my house clean, time in the evening for being with my husband. But, most importantly, I can sneak in a bit if time for myself. I've even started sewing as a hobby ( more on that later ) and find I can enjoy a quiet drink with a good book in the time between the kids bedtime and mine!

I know things are bound to change but, for new, I think this thing we have going on is pretty close to bliss....


  1. So glad to hear it's all going well mate, I've been wondering how you've been finding it second time around and if it was easier or not. She is just such a little sweetie, and it's good to hear you're getting a little time for yourself as well.

  2. Your daughter is just gorgeous!
